Friday, July 6, 2012

Democracy North Carolina is a Nonpartisan Organization?

The editors at the Charlotte Observer are thumping their chest over the defeat of a law that would require voters to provide an ID at the polls. The integrity of the vote doesn’t mean anything to the statist at this rag. Here is an excerpt from one of their editorials:

A Voter ID bill passed by Republicans last year would have required most voters to show some form of photo identification before getting to cast a ballot. Perdue vetoed that bill, and in February, House Majority Leader Paul Stam said his party would have enough votes for an override. But unlike with the veto trifecta this week, he didn’t.

The reason: Democrats didn’t waver on Voter ID, and rightly so. They knew that Republicans had crafted a bill that could affect more than 450,000 N.C. residents, according to the nonpartisan voter advocacy group Democracy North Carolina. State officials say more than 550,000 residents have no identification at all, and many don’t have the money or time to get to a Department of Motor Vehicles branch and obtain one.

Don’t have the money or time to get an ID? If you’re a concerned and responsible citizen, you’ll find the time to get one; and the cost is minimal. For Pete’s sake, you can’t buy a bottle of Drano in the state of Illinois without an ID. I can barely go a week without showing mine. How are these “citizens” functioning without one? Or is there something else going on.

The Disturber quoted a study from Democracy North Carolina. This organization is anything but nonpartisan. They are affiliated with subversive organizations like La Raza. The Conservative Shepherd wrote about their collaboration:

This group is known to engage in partisan pro-illegal immigration political activity including questionable voter registration, partisan get out the vote initiatives, and illegal partisan activity through state supported institutions. Their most recent documented illegal partisan activity centered around 6000 emails transmitted via Winston Salem State University during the 2010 elections. That video you just watched…Democracy NC is affiliated with that La Raza

Did ya’ll know that American churches are being threatened with removal of their 501(c)3 tax exempt status for political activity. (
Maine, Kansas, California, South Dakota) Even our local Gospel Light Baptist Church was told NOT to hand out “voter guides” or face loss of tax exempt status. Yet these extremely partisan community organizing tax exempt groups manage to conduct political activity in Forsyth County and North Carolina without threat.

The leader of Winston Salem Voting Rights, Democrat party activist Linda Sutton, has managed a position as as one of three Chairpersons of the Forsyth County Board of Elections. She received training from the Alyski Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF), NAACP and supports local radical group Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment (CHANGE). It bears repeating. She is an affiliate of pro-illegal immigration insurgent group Democracy North Carolina whose staff includes known ACORN, La Raza, and AmeriCorps radicals.

Also hiding under 501(c)3 status is Communities Helping All Neighbors Gain Empowerment (CHANGE), They are headed up by one time 3rd Vice Chair of the Forsyth County Democratic Party
Ryan Eller. This group is one of 5 North Carolina affiliates of the Saul Alinsky IAF. The IAF supports La Raza. (I know…I seem to be repeating myself.)

Does Democracy North Carolina sound nonpartisan to you? Here is more evidence to the contrary. They apparently have an axe to grind against the Civitas Institute and John Locke Foundation. You’ll find a couple of screeds on their website, along with this video:

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