Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Illegal Aliens Get Unemployment Benefits

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, a new report shines the light on more government corruption. It seems that illegal aliens and are getting paid unemployment benefits. I find this particularly amusing since I’m a contractor and am ineligible. Judicial Watch reported the following:

It turns out that in one year alone, the federal government and states overpaid about $14 billion in unemployment benefits, according to a DOL report featuring Unemployment Insurance Improper Payments. The eight-page document also includes “strategies to get the rate down.” Evidently the DOL has “an aggressive strategic plan to work with states to control unemployment payments.” This includes “a number of robust strategies,” according to the report.

The bottom line is that the damage has been done, even though—get this—last year’s $14 billion in fraudulent payments was actually an 11% decrease compared to the previous year, according the DOL. That’s why the agency refers to the $14 bil as an improvement though American taxpayers may view it somewhat differently.

Corruption has plagued the nation’s out-of-control jobless benefits program for some time and the problem has only gotten worse under the Obama Administration. As far back as 2010, there were reports of unemployment checks going out to
illegal immigrants in at least one state as well as other unqualified legal residents and citizens.

I wonder if anyone is keeping track of the amount of fraud that is being committed on all of these federal government programs. The numbers are astounding! And we’re going to nationalize health care? God forbid!


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