Saturday, July 7, 2012

ObamaCare Has Spawned 13,000 Pages of New Regulations

Congratulations America! We can give up the pretense of a limited federal government. The Department of Human and Health Services has drafted 13,000 pages of new ObamaCare regulations, and their just getting started. Fox News reported the following:

The IRS, Health and Human Services and many other agencies will now write thousands of pages of regulations -- an effort well under way:

"There's already 13,000 pages of regulations, and they're not even done yet," Rehberg said.

"It's a delegation of extensive authority from Congress to the Department of Health and Human Services and a lot of boards and commissions and bureaus throughout the bureaucracy," Matt Spalding of the Heritage Foundation said. "We counted about 180 or so."

No one can’t say the federal government isn’t hiring. They need an army of bureaucrats to wield this monstrosity, not to mention an oprichniki to harass and punish recalcitrant citizens. The IRS is hiring 4000 new agents to make sure we toe-the-line. Can anyone say ‘politicians lied, liberty died’?

Welcome to a post-Constitution American.

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