Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thanks for the Illegal Alien Database, King Obama!

Millions of illegal aliens are lining up to circumvent our immigration laws. King Obama has issued an executive order conferring a temporary amnesty. This man has once again spit on the Constitution and the rule of law. Only Congress has the authority to set the rules for naturalization, as stated in Article One, Section Eight. But that doesn’t matter to this wannabe dictator. Laws are for the little people; not the Messiah.

Now States are bracing for a tsunami of entitlement demands. Driver’s licenses, student loans and social services are all on the table, thanks to King Obama. Some States such as Arizona will not aid and abet these illegal aliens; others will. North Carolina is bending over and wiggling its ass:

One of the biggest questions from students is whether they now can apply for in-state college tuition, said Marty Rosenbluth, the executive director of the North Carolina Immigrant Rights Project. "And the answer is we just don't know yet."

North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue is reviewing the executive order to see how it may affect the state, said Jon Romano, the governor's communications director.

Immigration lawyers in North Carolina said Wednesday that they thought young immigrants would qualify for North Carolina driver's licenses. Miguel Manna, a Raleigh immigration attorney, said immigrants who received deferred action would get Social Security numbers - which many lacked - in order to get driver's licenses.

The North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles confirmed that driver's licenses will be issued to those who meet the requirements. Marge Howell, a spokeswoman for the state DMV, said those approved for deferred action probably would get two-year licenses that expired when their work permits expired

So for the next couple of years, we’ll be hearing from the invading teat squawkers, demanding their “rights.”

I will give kudos to King Obama for one thing: giving us a data base. Now, we know who these people are; where they live; and better yet, their illegal alien parents who thumbed their noses at our laws and sovereignty. When Obama loses in November, I hope Mitt Romney revokes this illegal executive order, and uses the tools that were given to us to crack down on these invaders.


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