Saturday, November 10, 2012

All Hail, The Teat Squawker Nation!

Congratulations teat squawker nation!  You showed us alright.  You marched to the polls and demanded your fair share.  You pulled the lever for government dependence, and retribution on those who dared to make something of themselves.  Stand by your participation trophies and pat yourself on the back, because you’re so special.
Not only did you show those “old white guys” in the GOP who runs this country, you also flipped the middle finger at those “dirty Jews” in Israel.  If anyone denied the holocaust in WWII, they sure as hell won’t be able to do that this time around.  After all, those Zionist have it coming.  Don’t they?

Yes teat squawker, you’ve fundamentally changed this country.  The whole world heard your lip smacking and took notice; especially our enemies, and they thank you.  You’ve proven to them that America is no longer exceptional.  European socialism is what you wanted, and that’s what you’re about to get.  Here is an excerpt from Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America.  I believe it applies to this new generation of “Americans.”

After all, what good is it to me to have an authority always ready to see to the tranquil enjoyment of my pleasures, to brush away all dangers from my path without my having to think about them, if such an authority, as well as removing thorns from under my feet, is also the absolute master of my freedom or if it so takes over all activity and life that around it all must languish when it languishes, sleep when it sleeps and perish when it perishes.

There are European nations where the inhabitant sees himself as a kind of settler, indifferent to the fate of the place he inhabits. Major changes happen there without his cooperation, he is even unaware of what precisely has happened; he is suspicious; he hears about events by chance. Worse still, the condition of his village, the policing of the roads, the fate of the churches and presbyteries scarcely bothers him; he thinks that everything is outside his concern and belongs to a powerful stranger called the government. He enjoys what he has as a tenant, without any feeling of ownership or thought of possible improvement. This detachment from his own fate becomes so extreme that, if his own safety or that of his children is threatened, instead of trying to ward off the danger, he folds his arms and waits for the entire nation to come to his rescue.

Tocqueville concludes:

When nations have reached this point, they have to modify their laws and customs or perish, for the spring of public virtue has, as it were, dried up. Subjects still exist but citizens are no more.

 The 2012 election proved just that: we are subjects.  Again, I want to thank the teat squawkers for putting this incompetent statist back into office.  And just keep reminding yourselves that you’re so – so special.

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