Monday, December 17, 2012

Behold, the Mark of the Beast!

The Apocalypse is nigh, so I’m told. The Mayan calendar has marked 12/21/12 as the beginning of the end. And with the decline of Western Civilization, one can harken back to the fall of the Roman Empire to see what another Dark Age has in store for us. But hey, let’s look at the bright side of life. At least we don’t have to worry about another Ice Age with all this man-made global warming going on. Thank God for small favors.

The Mayans aren’t the only ones with an end of the world scenario.  The Bible also forewarns of an end time (are we still allowed to mention the Bible?).  The Book of Revelations has prophesized that the anti-Christ hordes will have the mark of the beast.  I believe we’ve found it.
A physical characteristic that many of its members, as well as millions of Muslims throughout the world share is the noticeable prayer bump, or more correctly, the zebibah (Arabic for raisin).

Seen by many of its bearers as a sign of true devotion to Islam, the cranial bruising is caused by the repeated hitting of their foreheads to the ground while making their daily Salah, or prayers required of every male Muslim.


Makes sense to me.

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