Friday, December 28, 2012

Generation Y Voted for Permanent Depression

I want to congratulate the 20 – 35 year old voters for their participation in putting Barack Hussein Obama back into office.  You are the epitome of the low-information voter.  And the sad thing is you don’t even know how badly you screwed yourself.  Here is a report of what your present and future is going to be:

Generation Y professionals entering the workforce are finding careers that once were gateways to high pay and upwardly mobile lives turning into detours and dead ends. Average incomes for individuals ages 25 to 34 have fallen 8 percent, double the adult population’s total drop, since the recession began in December 2007. Their unemployment rate remains stuck one-half to 1 percentage point above the national figure.

Three and a half years after the worst recession since the Great Depression, the earnings and employment gap between those in the under-35 population and their parents and grandparents threatens to unravel the American dream of each generation doing better than the last. The nation’s younger workers have benefited least from an economic recovery that has been the most uneven in recent history.

‘Permanently Depressed’
“This generation will be permanently depressed and will be on a lower path of income for probably all of their life -- and at least the next 10 years,” says Rutgers professor Cliff Zukin, a senior research fellow at the university’s John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. Professionals who start out in jobs other than their first choice tend to stay on the alternative path, earning less than they would have otherwise while becoming less likely to start over again later in preferred fields, Zukin says.

I hope the youth in this country wise up in the next twenty years.  But by that time the United States will be just another third-rate country.  I have a suggestion for Generation Y:  be sure to keep your “Hope and Change” posters, because you’re going to need something to wipe your hands with after you dumpster dive for something to eat.

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