Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Government Motors Kicks Taxpayers in the Sac

General Motors – Government Motors to U.S. citizens – will be kicking the taxpayers in the sac.  The automaker plans on buying back its remaining shares.  The Weekly Standard reported the following:
The American taxpayers stand to lose billions as General Motors today announced a plan to buy back 40 percent of the company owned by the federal government.

"The Detroit automaker said it will purchase 200 million shares of GM stock held by Treasury for $5.5 billion — or $27.50 per share — nearly $2 above the stock's closing price on Tuesday," the Detriot News reports.

However, the break even price — the price that GM would need to pay for each share in order to pay back the money the government put in to the company —was $53 a share. That number has now risen dramatically.

"As a result of GM’s buy back, the government has recovered about $28.6 billion of its $49.5 billion GM bailout, which means it will most likely lose billions when selling its remaining shares," reports. "The government would need to sell its remaining shares at a price of $69.72 to break even. That’s up more than $15 from earlier this year, when the U.S. Treasury would have to sell its 500 million remaining shares at about $53 per share."

Remember that the next time you plan on purchasing your next vehicle.


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