Thursday, December 13, 2012

Health Foundation Deems Red States as Fat, Ignorant Slobs

A new study by the United Health Foundation has deemed red states an unhealthy place to live.  According to this nonprofit organization, Southerners are a bunch of fat, ignorant slobs that dwell on the hinterlands of a blue state paradise.  The top tier of blissfulness is the following: Vermont, Hawaii (who knew Spam was a health food), New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Minnesota.
Here are the dregs of the union.  I’ll quote a Progressive website so you’ll get the full Monty:

The right wing craziness continues to be evident as the Counter-intuitive, Right to Work, Anti-Obamacare, Former Confederate Red States fail yet another test; the health of their citizens.

The United Health Foundation has just released a ranking of the 50 states by health statistics; Ranking from the healthiest (Blue Union State Vermont) to the most unhealthy (Red Right-to-Work-Confederate States Louisiana and Mississippi tied for last palace).

The ten healthiest states are Blue Union States, with the exception of Red Right-to-Work Utah (which was ranked 7th because of the Mormon prohibition of alcohol, tobacco and coffee).

The ten least healthy states were all Red States and seven of them were also Right-to-Work States

Looking at all of the States we can see that 18 of the top 25 were Blue States and 16 of those were Union States. Blue States represented 72% of the healthiest 25 states.

Looking at the sickest states, the ones that ranked as the lowest 25, we can see that 18 of the sickest 25 were Red States. Red States represented 72% of the sickest 25 states.

As you can see, according to these blue state commies, we’re just a bunch of toothless rubes holding back the Socialist Republic of the United States.  If we would only reject our founding principles, we too would be as healthy, happy and as a mindless as a Maoist. 

The Progressives love to bring up the South’s past of slave ownership.  But at least they refused to become slaves themselves, unlike our northern brethren.  And that’s a heritage all true Americans should embrace.  But hey, we have our share of self-loathing citizens as well.  Here is one of them.  And I wouldn’t be surprised if she is a transplanted Yankee:
Compared to other states, North Carolina ranks near the bottom in low-birth-weight babies, infant mortality and public health funding, according to rankings from the United Health Foundation, a Minnesota-based nonprofit. A relatively high percentage of the state’s residents report having diabetes.

Education, poverty and neighborhood environments help determine how healthy people are, said Pam Silberman, president and CEO of the N.C. Institute of Medicine, and states that have moved up in the rankings over the years have improved in these areas.

The Progressives believe that if the South would submit to their ideology, we would be healthier and happier.  Sorry, I’m not buying your snake oil.

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