Monday, December 3, 2012

NC House Immigration Committee Hearing on Dec 6, 2012

Concerned Citizens and Immigration Reformers,
Plan to attend the final NC House Immigration Committee hearing on Thursday, December 6th @ 1:00 PM at the Legislative Office Building in Room 643 just behind the NC General Assembly Building (16 West Jones Street) in Raleigh.

We need a significant showing at this hearing. We know the other side will show up of course looking to stop any immigration enforcement measures, so they can continue to remain in our State and feed out of the trough of state government services paid for by you the taxpayer.
We will focus on how illegal immigrants use more in state government services than they pay in taxes, and how illegals especially hurt working-poor citizens by taking their jobs and driving down their wages. The same is true of illegals and their dependents using social services dollars and services that should be going to our own poor and elderly poor, and how state and local education dollars are being spent on the dependents of illegals and how that affects our children. A recent report by the Locke Foundation shows the dependents of illegal immigrants are getting double the amount of state, local and federal dollars for education spent on them than the average spent on children of citizens. Our State also had to borrow $2.4 billion (yes billion) to pay jobless benefits over the last two years, in part because we have over 230,000 illegal immigrants working in non-ag jobs, jobs that citizens have done and will do. Also more and more illegals and their handlers are plotting ways to illegally vote, and this is why we need a Voter ID bill for our State.

We need to keep the heat on and show the NC General Assembly that citizens are behind them and want continued action against illegal immigration in ways the State can proceed.
I will be attending as well.

PARKING: Visitors lot #1 is located at the corner of Jones Street and Wilmington Street. Visitors lot #2 is located in the 300 block of North Salisbury Street and can also be accessed from the 300 block of North McDowell Street. Visitors lot #3 is located at the corner of Edenton and McDowell Streets. Rates are charged by the hour and the parking lots are controlled by the Department of Administration.

Ron Woodard

Ofc: (919) 460-8156

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