Friday, December 28, 2012

Obama is Lincoln Incarnate?

Obama is no Lincoln.  This so-called president has never led from the front.  As a matter of fact, he hasn’t even bothered to lead from behind.  No, this man is a political opportunist, who’ll capitalize on the events unfolding before him.  Until the events are ripe, that’s when he’ll come off the golf course or some fundraiser where the sheeple fawn over his majesty.

But that’s not how the Media will play this tragedy.  To them, Obama is the savior of the republic, who deigns to come down from Mt. Olympus and grace the plebeians with his omnipresent wisdom; he’ll unite a do-nothing Congress whose Tea Party faction is undermining the will of the people.  Savior Obama is Lincoln incarnate.  So says the Media.  So says the republic.

But somewhere in the hinterlands is the truth.  The Democrats shuttered the Senate republicans, and the House majority were feverishly at work on a budget:
Until a call from the president on Wednesday, Senator McConnell says he had had no contact from any Democrat on the fiscal cliff since Thanksgiving. “The phone never rang, so here we are five days from the New Year and we might start talking,” he said in a floor speech on Thursday.

On the House side, Speaker Boehner, who faces a reelection for his post on Jan. 3, says the House has already passed legislation on May 10 and Aug. 1 to avert the entire fiscal cliff, so now the "Senate must act."

"Speaker Boehner will attend a meeting with congressional leaders at the White House, where he will continue to stress that the House has already passed legislation to avert the entire fiscal cliff and now the Senate must act," spokesman Brendan Buck said in a statement on Thursday.

With no new offers from Republicans or Democrats on Capitol Hill, say many congressional analysts, it's up to a president who has little incentive to shoulder a burden that the congressional leaders themselves have failed to take up.

The analysts believe it’s up to this president to solve our fiscal crisis?  This man can’t even get a budget passed in the democratically led Senate.  But they are right in one respect:  he has little incentive to shoulder the burden.  The MEDIA has seen to that!

H/T:  Drudge Report


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