Friday, December 28, 2012

U.S. Dept of Labor: Workers of the World Unite!

American workers (what’s left of us) can take pride in knowing that not only are we subsidizing our fellow countrymen through government welfare programs; we’re also financing labor unions in foreign countries.  The defunct International Workers of the World would’ve been proud to witness this moment.  Too bad this Marxist organization suffered an ignominious death when their leaders were expelled to the workers’ paradise of Lenin’s Soviet Union.  Congratulations Progressives, you’ve accomplished what generations of Americans have fought against:  a redistribution of wealth to the world’s proletariat.
( - Labor Secretary Hilda Solis on Thursday announced a $2.2 million grant that will be used to strengthen budding labor unions in Haiti and Peru.

The taxpayer money will fund projects organized by the AFL-CIO's Solidarity Center, which aims to build a global labor union movement.
"Supporting the ability to organize and protect their rights is important to leveling the playing field for all workers," Solis said in a news release. "This grant will help organizations in Haiti and Peru engage in productive, effective negotiations with governments and employers on behalf of vulnerable workers."

In Haiti, the Solidarity Center will work with the apparel export sector, focusing particularly on issues related to freedom of association (the right to unionize), sexual harassment and forced overtime.

In Peru, the project will focus on the needs of temporary and fixed-term contract workers.
Just last week, the Labor Department awarded $35 million to address child labor in seven countries in Africa, Latin America and Indonesia.

Since 1995, the Labor Department's Bureau of International Labor Affairs has worked with other governments and international organizations to “ensure that workers around the world are treated fairly and are able to share in the benefits of the global economy.”

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