Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blue States to Employ Proportional Electoral College Vote System?

Article II Section I

Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress; but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed elector.

We are witnessing a movement in blue states whereas the winner-takes-all Electoral College system is coming into question.  These “blue states” want a system that is more reflective of their State’s political philosophy.  They want one that is more proportional.  Maine and Nebraska already have this system.  The dichotomy of states with a Republican dominated legislature and governor, and at the same time are Democratic bastions for presidential elections have people shaking their heads.  Should the citizens of a state, as a whole, be held hostage by an enclave of heavily populated districts whose values are counter to their own?

Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina have a republican dominated legislature and governor.  All had their Electoral College votes go to Barack Obama, except North Carolina.  Citizens of those states must be asking themselves if this is a fair representation.  Why should one district be subjected to the tyranny of another just because they have a higher population?

We’re all aware of interstate rivalries.  California doesn’t hold the same values as Arizona or North Carolina.  The same goes for intrastate rivalries.  Rural districts don’t have the same values as urban.  For instance, cities like Detroit trump a small Michigan town in national politics due to the size of their population.  Here is a map of the 2012 county by county election results for the state of Michigan, along with their congressional districts.    

A winner-takes-all system disenfranchises the rural citizen.  Obama and the Democrats wouldn’t take states like Michigan for granted if a proportional system were to be employed.  And for that matter, the 17th Amendment should be repealed as well.  But that is a different bag of nails that need to be hammered.


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