Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ghoulish FMR. Gov. Ed Rendell Dances on Newtown Victim's Graves

Democrats love a crisis.  Their ongoing quest for dominion over our lives will venture into the ghoulish.  Here is Fast Eddy Rendell dancing with suppressed glee on the graves of Newtown’s shooting victim’s.

FMR. GOV. ED RENDELL, NBC NEWS POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, there's two things: number one, the battle on guns and reasonable forms of gun control didn't start after Newtown. We've been doing it. There were mayors in the '90s, when I was mayor of Philadelphia, that were suing the gun manufacturers. So this has been an ongoing battle. It goes all the way back – it even predates Columbine, and each tragedy, we resolve to do more.

The good thing about Newtown is, it was so horrific that I think it galvanized Americans to a point where the intensity on our side is going to match the intensity on their side. Secondly, I'm not dismayed by those statements at all. Those statements convince the average American that the other side is absolute – looney, nuts, off their rocker – and that drives people to the conclusion that we've got to do something reasonable.

Dance Eddy, dance!

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