Tuesday, January 8, 2013

NC Progress: The Demagogues of The Old North State

One thing you can count on is an avalanche of lies by liberals.  A group called NC Progress has been yelling through the snowcapped mountains about how unfair it is that associations and businesses have a say in the political process.  They believe “big money” is a corrupting influence, and that the American voter is too stupid to discern what is right and wrong.

 A common refrain by liberals is “corporations are not people.”  Well I disagree.  A corporation is made up of employees, managers, accountants, lawyers, shareholders, and board members.  These businesses also hire vendors and provide a valuable service to their customers.  All of whom are people.  So, corporations are people.

The progressives are also against associations.  They would have people like Art Pope and other like minded citizens excluded from the political process by denying them the right to fund political candidates to whom they are ideologically aligned.  The progressives want a publicly financed system; meaning, we conservatives would have to fund our political enemies against our will.  Against our will seems to be a common goal amongst these totalitarians.
You’ll notice a mantra,”one person, one vote.”  What in the hell is that supposed to mean?  Are they implying that a corporation is bellying up to the voting booth.  Of all the years of voting, I’ve never seen that happen, and neither have they.  How nonsensical is that?  It never ceases to amaze me how liberals can be duped by slogans.  I suggest the Progressives read the First Amendment, instead of bumper stickers.  They might learn something.

Liberals are masters at deception.  In the above video you’ll hear a demagogic mantra on H.B. 810.  The Progressives killed this bill by repeating the lie that North Carolina House Republicans were bribed into drafting this piece of legislation for special interest groups.  What they didn’t tell you is that a Democrat sponsored this bill, and that Project Vote Smart named three others who co-sponsored H.B. 810.  Here is video explaining the importance of and what happened to the Consumer Installment Lending Relief Bill.

When it comes to the rhetoric of Democrats, I believe we should employ the wisdom of Ronald Reagan:  ‘Trust but Verify.’ except I would dismiss the word “Trust.”

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