Monday, March 18, 2013

N.C. Newspaper Editors Demand College Education for Illegal Aliens

What is it about these libtards at our local newspapers?  Do they not know what’s going on throughout the rest of the country?  Recently, the Winston-Salem Journal published an editorial, demanding that illegal aliens have the ability to attend colleges in North Carolina.  They naively believe that citizens wouldn’t be displaced, and that these invaders would pay out-of-state tuition fees.  Any thinking person knows better.  Here is what’s happening in California:

More than 20,000 college-bound students are seeking state financial aid for the first time under California's new Dream Act laws that allow them to get the help despite their immigration status.

While far from a complete picture, that number is the best indicator yet of how many students hope to benefit from a pair of laws that could radically change the college experience for a generation of students whose parents brought them to the U.S. illegally when they were young -- the same group that has taken center stage in the national immigration reform debate.

"For many of them, it's a game-changer," said Meng So, who coordinates UC Berkeley's months-old Undocumented Student Program.

As college-bound high school graduates await word of their state financial aid -- Cal Grants -- other kinds of help have begun to flow for students already enrolled in public colleges and universities.

It’s disturbing that we have so-called citizens in this country who wish to excuse and legitimize illegal immigration.  Had it not been for the federal judiciary forcing states to educate the children of illegal aliens at the public school level, we wouldn’t have these problems to begin with.

I applaud Reps. George Cleveland, R-Onslow, and Chris Whitmire, R-Transylvania for introducing House Bill 218 that would bar illegal aliens from attending state’s community colleges.  They - unlike the editors at these socialist papers – have the foresight to know what admission means to these invaders.  At least these public servants value citizenship.


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