Saturday, April 20, 2013

How Do We Address Public School Hysteria and Indoctrination?

It seems a day doesn’t go by without a report about some form of hysteria, or stupidity in public education.  We’ve all heard about the suspension of the Pop Tart kid, along with numerous others who’ve been disciplined for being children.  I thank God, I didn’t grow up in a time when playing cowboys and Indians, or cops and robbers on the playground would’ve drawn a suspicious eye.  If that were the case, my principal would’ve declared me public enemy #1.
What we are witnessing isn’t education; it’s indoctrination.  And it gets worse.  A father in Florida found a waded up paper in a trash can written by his son.  Here’s an excerpt from an article:

The words are written in crayon, in the haphazard bumpiness of a child's scrawl.
"I am willing to give up some of my constitutional rights in order to be safer or more secure

They're the words that Florida father Aaron Harvey was stunned to find his fourth-grade son had written, after a lesson in school about the Constitution.

 Aaron Harvey's son wrote as part of a school lesson, "I am willing to give up some of my constitutional rights in order to be safer or more secure." TheBlaze has redacted the child's name.

Harvey's son attends Cedar Hills Elementary in Jacksonville, Fla. Back in January, a local attorney came in to teach the students about the Bill of Rights. But after the attorney left, fourth-grade teacher Cheryl Sabb dictated the sentence to part of the class and had them copy it down, he said.
In Wisconsin, an eighth grade teacher is brainwashing her students in the finer points of our two party system:

Eighth graders in Union Grove, Wisc. — a tiny enclave just over the Illinois border — are learning reading, writing, arithmetic and, of course, that conservatives are a bunch of authoritarian, oppressive thugs.

As EAGnews explains, an unnamed eighth-grade teacher in the Union Grove school district assigned a vocabulary crossword puzzle with clues containing “definitions” of liberalism and conservatism.

Conservatism, according to the public school assignment, is “the political belief of preserving traditional moral values by restricting personal freedoms and encouraging prosperity through economic freedom.”

Let that ridiculous middle part soak in, perhaps while you gulp down a massive sugary soda and take target practice with your favorite firearm.

How are impressionable Union Grove eighth graders instructed about liberalism? They are indoctrinated that it is “the political belief of equality and personal freedom for everyone, often changing the current system to increase government protection of civil liberties.”

While teachers are feminizing boys and lecturing students about the evils of conservatives and our Constitution, we’re finding out the little urchins are unable to read and write.  Over 80% of New York City’s graduates are illiterate.  Let’s give our educators a big round of applause.

There is hope.  North Carolina is taking a different path.  Republican legislators are developing a system where charter schools have a more independent voice from the state apparatchiks.  Carolina Journal reported the following:

The bill would empower the state Department of Public Instruction’s existing Office of Charter Schools as the principal administrative unit, working under the direction of the Charter Board. The Charter Board would operate independent of the State Board of Education.

“The charter staff … is in place, and I don’t believe that there is going to be any extra cost attached to that,” Tillman said.

The Charter Board would replicate many of the functions now performed by the state Charter Schools Advisory Council, but it would be smaller — 11 voting members instead of 15. Nine members would be appointed by the governor or the General Assembly. The lieutenant governor and state treasurer also would be voting members.

The State Board of Education would be granted veto authority over any Charter Board action, provided it had assent from a three-quarters majority of its board and the veto was voted on within 45 days of the Charter Board’s action.

The Charter Board would provide technical assistance to charter schools and applicants, establish rules, oversee the application and approval process, monitor existing charter schools, renew charters, and revoke them.

North Carolina is also trying to implement a merit based system, instead of tenured.  Those teachers who do outstanding work should be compensated.  Again, here is an excerpt from Carolina Journal:

The bill would modify the letter-grade system given to schools that was passed in last year's education reform act. Berger said his proposal would expand on last year's reforms by having a component telling parents whether the school made or failed to make growth goals.

"Together these two measures will foster greater transparency, encourage struggling schools to improve and allow parents to determine the best options for their children."

Yet to be worked out is a pay-for-performance or merit pay system. Berger said he was waiting from a report from school districts, which is expected next week.

Teacher tenure would end in five years, even for teachers who now have tenure.

Replacing the tenure system would be one-year contracts issued by local school boards for teachers with fewer than three years employment. Teachers employed three or more years would be offered contracts ranging from one to four years. Top teachers would be offered $500 salary supplements.

This would be a good first step.  Education should be local and intimate.  Any effort to nationalize our educational system should be thwarted.  The federal government is making a concerted effort to do just that.  They’re trying to implement Common Core State Standards.  Do you really want a bunch of incompetent federal bureaucrats dictating the education of your children?  Or do you want a say in what is being taught?  Unfortunately, North Carolina signed up for this nonsense in 2010.  It’s time to get out of it before the feds fully embed their claws into our educational system, or we might have more teachers like the one in Wisconsin.


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