Thursday, April 4, 2013

N.C. Libtards Freak Out Over Religion Resolution

For the past few days, the libtards in North Carolina have been going crazy.  Two republican lawmakers from Rowan County were pushing for a resolution that protected the citizens of this state from the bullying tactics of the ACLU and the federal government.

Rep. Carl Ford, a Republican from China Grove, and Salisbury Republican Rep. Harry Warren filed the measure this week as Rowan commissioners gear up to fight a lawsuit that seeks to end their habit of opening meetings with specifically Christian prayers.
But the resolution delved deeper.

It acknowledges that the U.S. Constitution prevents Congress from creating an official religion.

But the First Amendment prohibition, the resolution argues, doesn’t apply to states, counties or towns – despite federal court rulings to the contrary. It asks the legislature to adopt a resolution supporting their right to set up their own religious laws.

And that is the true interpretation of the Bill of Rights.  The Anti-Federalist wanted a guarantee that the newly established central government would have limitations.  Our Constitution wouldn’t have been ratified without one.   The Marshall Court acknowledged that the Bill Rights applied only to the federal government and not the States.  That ruling was Barron v. Baltimore.

You’d think that this would be universally known in the United States.  It isn’t.  Listen to the local “talent” on 1110 WBT.  You’d think the Bill of Rights put limitations only on the States and us citizens.  These so-called broadcast specialists have resorted to name calling, and questioning the intellect of anyone who disagrees with them.  And as you’d expect, the editors at the Charlotte Observer had to get their two cents in.  Here is the renowned scholar, Fanny Flono:

This week some N.C. lawmakers are putting an exclamation point on the line from Forrest Gump: “Stupid is as stupid does.” A bill proposed by two of them that says North Carolina and its counties and towns have the right to establish an official religion is getting the loudest national heehaws at the moment, and deservedly so. This crackpot bill states boldly that though the U.S. Constitution prevents Congress from creating an official religion, that ban does not apply to the states.

Even conservative N.C. religious leaders don’t buy that interpretation. But there’s one thing for sure, if those two lawmakers attended N.C. public schools they made the most compelling argument yet for overhauling the state’s education system.

Actually Fanny, you and the rest the libtards that infest this state, need to pick up a history book. You can start with Anti-Federalist papers.  After that, read the speeches at North Carolina’s constitutional convention.  But that would mean, putting away your People’s Magazine.



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