Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Celebrating Diversity Through Homogenization

Ask a liberal what makes this country great, and they will tell you diversity is what makes this country great.  Our constitution and federalist principles don’t even register with these people.  Liberals are so accepting of diversity that they will use the federal bureaucracy to target tea partiers and constitutionalist.  If they don’t put you in your place by an unelected bureaucrat, the Supreme Court will step in and strike down laws passed by our elected representatives, and lecture us on how awful of a people we are.  Liberals celebrate diversity all right.  They celebrate diversity through homogenization.

The Supreme Court’s ruling striking down section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act is another example of a judicial smack down.   Our elected representatives passed a law stating that the federal government only recognized a marriage between one woman and one man.  Well, no longer.  Here is an excerpt from American Progress:

Section 3 of DOMAa federal law passed in 1996 that defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman for the purpose of federal administrative policies—denied LGBT couples access to more than 1,000 federal programs and benefits available to opposite-sex married couples. And because the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, or USCIS, incorporated Section 3’s definition of marriage in immigration law and policies, one of the benefits denied to approximately 24,700 LGBT couples was the ability to sponsor a foreign-born spouse for family-based immigration. As a result, either some LGBT spouses of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents were deported or LGBT Americans were forced to choose between the people they love and the country they love. This practice violated a basic principle of American immigration policy: family reunification. Since the Obama administration is on record favoring same-sex marriage, USCIS should immediately begin processing LGBT spousal immigrant-visa applications the same way it processes applications for opposite-sex couples.

So now we have a bastardization of a federal law that recognizes same-sex marriage in only the states that allow this abomination.  You can damn well bet this is just the beginning.  Those who value traditional marriage will be harassed.  Religious organizations will be sued for not sanctifying gay unions.  Anyone who speaks out against the LGBT community will lose their jobs or their businesses.  Doubt me?  It’s already happening.

Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson has filed a suit against a florist who refused to serve as the flower supplier for a same-sex wedding.

Gay marriage was legalized and went into effect in 2012, and hundreds of gay couples have filed for marriage licenses. The law is now being tested in a case that pits the state against Arlene’s Flowers and Gifts owner Barronelle Stutzman of Richland, Wash.

Ms. Stutzman said in a March interview with KEPR that she turned down a customer’s request to supply his same-sex wedding ceremony with flowers because of religious reasons. The man, Robert Ingersoll, was a 10-year customer of the shop, she told KEPR.

“[Mr. Ingersoll] said he decided to get married and before he got through, I grabbed his hand and said, ‘I am sorry. I can’t do your wedding because of my relationship with Jesus Christ.’ We hugged each other and he left, and I assumed it was the end of the story,” she said to KEPR.

But it wasn’t. Mr. Ingersoll and partner Curt Reed took to the online community to tell their flower-shop refusal — and that’s when the attorney general’s office got involved, Raw Story reported.

Let’s celebrate more of that diversity.

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