Monday, July 29, 2013

The Brad and Britt Show: Carpetbagger & Scalawag

If you’ve scanned AM radio in Charlotte, NC you’ll notice a lineup change at the 3:00 – 6:00 drive time slot at 1110 WBT.  Not even a year ago, the geniuses at this station replaced Vince Coakley with a carpetbagger and a scalawag; two unendearing qualities for a southern state.  Apparently, the geniuses who run that place believe their audience is a bunch of country bumpkins who enjoy being berated.

Brad Krantz, the carpetbagger in this dynamic duo, promised his NYC wife that North Carolina is just as progressive as the rotten apple.  When the Republicans took over the General Assembly and the governorship, his tone became particularly vicious.  The same goes for his fat ass toady, the scalawag, Britt Whitmore.

I hope these two enjoy their new digs at the after-drive time slot.  You know, the time everybody is home enjoying dinner, family and relaxing.  Geez, I wonder when their contract is up.  Ha!  Who cares?  Nobody listens to them anyway.   

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