Monday, August 5, 2013

Gay Couple Sues Church of England

We don’t have to look very far to see what will happen in the United States if the federal government recognizes gay marriage as a civil right.  I, like many others, warned that churches will be sued.  The posted the following:

Barrie wants to convince the church that recognizing gay marriages is the right thing to do. Since he says he’s a Christian and that his kids, as a result, are also practicing believers, churches, in his view, should acknowledge his union.
“I want to go into my church and marry my husband,” he added. “The only way forward for us now is to make a challenge in the courts against the church.”

Barrie said that it would be a shame to take Christians to court and that he doesn’t want to force anyone to allow him to marry. Still, he seemed open to using the courts to accomplish this goal.
The Gay Star News reported the couple has hired lawyers to potentially battle the Church of England in court. The government, however, claims that churches are protected from being forced to marry same-sex couples. Still, Barrie and Tony plan to forge on, as they told GSN:

“[It] is a matter of opinion. There are legal pathways to go down and before we make a conclusive step forward we have to explore every avenue. We have been speaking to very senior legal advisors with Cannon Law experience who feel that there actually may be a case to answer.
What the outcome maybe, is another question. We shall have to wait and see, but at the end of the day, the pressure will be highly visible and the church will be in the spot light again for discrimination against the same-sex community.
If gay marriage is declared a civil right, churches will be sued; priest will be arrested; and property will be confiscated.  Don’t believe me?  Take a look at what is happening to city and county governments. 

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