Thursday, August 29, 2013

Video Game Depicts Quest for Infanticide

Here is another example of a trivialization of life.  A “pro-choice” group has designed a video game depicting characters on a quest to get an abortion in Texas.  And as with all liberals, they need other people’s money to support their project.    

Their IndieGoGo, which asked for donations, advertised the game in further detail:

The game “Choice: Texas” is an educational interactive fiction game which will be freely available on the web. Players will explore the game through one of several characters, each of whom reflects specific socioeconomic, geographic, and demographic factors impacting abortion access in Texas. Although billed as interactive fiction, Choice: Texas is based on extensive research into healthcare access, legal restrictions, geography, and demographics, and is reflective of the real circumstances facing women in the state.

Why not lobby Planned Parenthood?  They’re well known for fleecing the taxpayers.  I’m sure they would be more than willing to “finance” their infanticide fantasies.  Or, they could sell fetuses for baby soup.  I read it's a delicacy in China.

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