Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Transnationals Target N.C. Legislators for Amnesty

A group of self-loathing Americans has targeted North Carolina legislators.  These transnationals are willing to bribe and intimidate three republican congressmen as a means to legitimize illegal aliens that have invaded our country. 

WASHINGTON While the immigration debate has been put on the back burner in Washington, national and local business heavyweights are working behind the scenes – and using their financial might – to press House Republicans to bring legislation overhauling the immigration system to a vote.

The well-organized groups are led by some of the biggest names in business, such as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. They’ve set their sights on GOP members in the South like N.C. Reps. Renee Ellmers of Dunn, Richard Hudson of Concord and George Holding of Raleigh, who they feel can be compelled to support an overhaul.
The groups have recruited the top business leaders in technology, agriculture, manufacturing and chambers of commerce in each of their districts to help deliver a unified message that immigration legislation is crucial to the success of the North Carolina economy.

The cadre of business leaders extends well beyond Bloomberg and Zuckerberg. Partnership for a New American Economy, led by Bloomberg, also includes Steve Ballmer of Microsoft, Rupert Murdoch of News Corp., and Bill Marriott of Marriott hotels. Zuckerberg’s group, FWD.us, includes Napster co-founder Sean Parker and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman.

Zuckerberg told members of Congress recently that he plans to spend $50 million on advertisements supporting members of Congress who support an immigration overhaul and pressuring others who may be on the fence.

It’s part of a campaign blitz that will launch a month of rallies and television spots that will culminate with an Oct. 28 business summit in Washington, D.C., that’s expected to attract hundreds of business leaders from around the country.

We have a record number of able bodied Americans who are unemployed and are on some form of welfare.  Yet, these so-called business leaders are asking themselves what they have done lately for comprehensive immigration reform.  I have a question.  What have you done lately to get an American off the couch and back to work?

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