Friday, November 8, 2013

The American Nations Today

The Washington Post published an interesting take on the socio-political divide in the United States.  I for one can attest to the migratory patterns of some Americans.  I left a blue state a long time ago, simply because I recognized that economic opportunities were persistently retarded by a progressive mindset of the populace.  I had to leave.

 I have recently begun to notice another migratory pattern.  I’m seeing license plates from northeastern states.  That in itself is alarming.  More disturbing is their bumper stickers.   My neighbor recently moved from Massachusetts.  He has a vote for Elizabeth Warren bumper sticker.   I fear this idiot has moved here permanently.  Since, he is obviously a libtard, I doubt he has pondered the reasons why he relocated to North Carolina.

Sooner or later red states are going to have to set up their own migration policies.

H/T:  NC Renegade

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