Monday, January 13, 2014

2013: The Year of the Federal Bureaucrat

The federal government juggernaut had a banner year in 2013.  Time Magazine should have declared it the year of the bureaucrat.  Over 80,000 pages of new rules and regulations were shoved down our throats without our consent, the States, or our elected representatives.  Senator Mike Lee posted the following picture on Facebook.

 On top of that, they broke a new record.  For every new law, bureaucrats created 56 regulations.  The Washington Examiner reported the following:

The Obama administration made up for the lack of laws passed in Congress last year, issuing a whopping 3,659 rules regulations, crushing claims that Washington isn't doing anything.
Only 65 public laws were signed by President Obama in 2013, meaning that his government issued an average of 56 new regulations for every one, a record high ratio, according to the annual analysis by theCompetitive Enterprise Institute.
The surge in regulations has led critics to charge that Congress is now a bystander to federal regulatory agencies.

Said CEI’s Wayne Crews, who provided Secrets with his new analysis, “The deterioration of the Constitution’s separation of, and balance of, powers means that regulators and bureaucrats now make most laws. Congress is so 1789, after all. The executive branch increasingly imposes its will: President Obama and his administration repeatedly say they are not going to wait for Congress, so brace yourselves.”

Constitution, we don’t need no stinking Constitution.


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