Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Letter from a Political Prisoner in the Year 2064

Taylor Batten, a Charlotte Observer editor, published an op-ed piece in the guise of a letter to the future editor in 2064.  Of course, it is filled with the usual libtard diatribes that normally infest that paper.  So, I decided to write my own.  Instead, my correspondent is from the year 2064.  Here is his letter to the citizens of North Carolina in 2014.

Greetings from prisoner C253876 of Sector 4:

If my letter has reached you, I can only praise God that the rumors are correct, and that the Freedom Underground found a way to send this dire missive via time travel.   If this message were to be intercepted, the very mention of God would cost me my life. 

I’ m here to warn you that the great transformation Dear Leader Obama promised you has come to pass.  The great utopia is a lie.  The Constitution of the United States has been dissolved.  Congress no longer exists.  And it all started when your elected representatives abdicated their responsibilities to an unelected and unaccountable federal bureaucracy.  From there it steam rolled.  Now, States no longer exist.  The country has been divided into 8 Sectors controlled by government bureaucrats.  The federal judiciary has been given primacy as a means to lend it legitimacy.

It will be just a matter of time when you will see this great transformation.  The city once called Washington D.C. will be renamed D.C.  Progressives demanded that it be renamed, since General George Washington was a slave owner.  But after awhile, D.C. expanded throughout all of Virginia, Maryland, and parts of North Carolina.  That area later became Sector One.  As I've mentioned, we currently have 8 Sectors.  The states once known as California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado have been given to Mexico as reparations for past injustices.  Texas rebelled.  They have been invaded by the federals.  I’m unhappy to report that those freedom fighters are losing.

I and a band of 20 tried to make our way there, but were intercepted.  We ran out of ammunition.  The EPA outlawed the manufacturing of lead bullets, except those that supply government agencies.  There wasn’t enough on the black market.  Needless to say, 15 were killed outright.  The rest of us were imprisoned.

I’m also unhappy to report that your notions of private property will no longer exist.  Corporations will be abolished and the premise of citizenship abandoned.  The pillars of a free people have been toppled.  Only political grafters and the well connected are given licenses to do business and allowed freedom of movement.  The rest toil under their auspices and live in government projects.  That is those who accept this degrading way of life.  The rest of us are put into concentration camps for re-education.

During your time, it was said teachers were paid less than a manager at McDonalds.  Well, McDonalds no longer exist.  The FDA outlawed them.  And teachers make as much as a CEO.  The most coveted jobs are the ones at re-education camps.  However, government scientists have discovered a teat squawker gene.  Fetuses that do not possess this gene will be aborted.  However, in the short term, they have to deal with the rest of us.  That means they are denying health care to anyone who has conservative leanings, or was once a tea party member.  Our numbers are dwindling.

I am told through prison gossip, that your Dear Leader Obama has a mausoleum in Sector One.  People are bused in to view the body on display.  I hear they are forcing the recalcitrants to kiss the window casing as a means of homage; just another degradation handed to us by our betters.
The Progressives have heard of this time machine.  They want to destroy it.  They say all attempts at warning the citizens of the United States of their impending doom are futile.  I’m hoping the recipients of this letter prove them wrong.  Take heed.  You’ve been warned.

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