Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Federal Government Omnipresent Complex

Year after year, we watch the State of the Union Address.  I have come to the conclusion that these Washington D.C. creatures believe they are the center of the universe.  Their contempt for the American people is something to behold.  I’m sure they are amazed we plebeians can make it through a day without the guiding hand of a federal government bureaucrat. 

President Obama, as have his predecessors, rambled on about what the federal government has done for us.  If you didn’t know better, the job you have, the house you dwell in, the food you eat, the business you built, and the car you drive wouldn’t exist hadn’t it been for them.  You are just a bystander in a bureaucratic managed economy.  Why you would be wallowing in your own filth, if they didn’t intercede on your behalf.

President Eisenhower once warned of the military industrial complex.  I’m waiting for a president to step up and take on the federal government omnipresent complex.  I would love to see victims of federal government bureaucracies pointed out in a State of the Union Address.  Now that would be a speech to watch, not to mention the look of horror as the statist sit with mouth agape as they confront the victims of their policies.

We all know that will never happen.  But I can always dream.  

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