Monday, January 13, 2014

Welfare vs. Minimum Wage

Why work when you can squawk.  Apparently, it pays to suck the teat.

H/T:  Weasel Zippers


  1. Your information is inaccurate. Welfare rates are determined by individual nessecity. So a family of four would get more than a single individual. Also, TANF (which is cash assistance) is only available to families and there is a max according to household size. A family of three in the state of Oregon, only recieves $525.00 a month. Please, explain to me how this is more than $15.00 an hour? Please, use your magic math to explain how you are correct. You really should check your information better and stop believing what the system wants you to believe. Also, bashing the poor, classy, really classy. Maybe if there was a possibility to work, they wouldn't be on government assistance. Why dont you check the stats on how many people that receive government assistance, do so because they lost their jobs with recession. Even on minimum wage, families and singles are still qualified for foodstamp assistance. Why? Because minimum wage isn't enough to pay bills.

  2. Here's the magical math. You have to take in the aggregate as published by the Cato Institute:

    Last week, the Cato Institute released a new study, The Work vs. Welfare Trade-Off, 2013: An Analysis of the Total Level of Welfare Benefits by State. It showed that a family collecting welfare benefits from seven common programs – Temporary assistance for Needy Families (TANF), food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, public housing assistance, utilities assistance (LIHEAP) and free commodities – could receive more than what a minimum wage job would pay in 35 states, more than a $15 per hour job in 13 states, and more than a $20 per hour job in the eight most generous states. We concluded that the high value of welfare benefits might create a disincentive for recipients to leave welfare for work.

    Here is the link

    Maybe you should question why we had a recession and the reasons it is lasting so long. Maybe you should study the Great Depression so as to have a better understanding of the federal governments role in manipulating markets and making people dependent on government assistance.
