Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bill Clinton Hijacks Ukrainian Cause

I’m convinced politicians are sociopaths, especially democrats.  Bill Clinton is a perfect example.  This man harps on the Ukrainian president for privatizing his office, when he did the same thing in the White House.  Does anyone remember the Chinese tea parties?  Charlie Tree anyone?  Oh yeah, he sold missile technology to the Chicoms in lieu of campaign donations.  Let’s not forget how he turned the Lincoln bedroom into a Motel 6? Anyone remember that?  And the list goes on and on.

Bill Clinton proclaims that democrats should take back this country.  Take it back from whom, the millions of illegal aliens the Democratic Party caters too?  We all know citizenship means nothing to these people.  And that applies to both illegal aliens and the democrats.

Hell, I wouldn’t doubt Bubba secretly admires King Obama for flouting our laws.  The bureaucratic state unloads thousands of rules and regulations without the consent of our elected representatives.  The federal courts run roughshod over states and Congress in their quest to advance the liberal agenda.  And Christian principles are shamed and cloistered.

The Ukrainian peoples’ distress is the same as America’s Tea Party.  It is laughable for statist like Bill Clinton to hijack their cause as a vehicle to advance the Democratic Party’s totalitarian agenda.

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