Monday, February 10, 2014

Samuel Adams was Here

Progressives have longed to deny the citizens of these United States their history and heritage.  If you talk about our founding, liberals will demean them as slave owners, when in fact a small percentage of the population actually owned them, even in the South.  When you mention the Constitution, they’ll belittle it as a governmental system designed for a coastal, agrarian economy.  They’ll say its precepts are antiquated in today’s global economy.

Progressives will find their target, isolate it, demean it, and finally abolish it from public discourse.  This happened to one of the most important founding fathers in American history.  I will go even further and state, that hadn’t it been for Samuel Adams, there probably wouldn’t have been an American Revolution.  So why is he largely forgotten, relegated as a figurehead for a beer manufacturer?

For one, Samuel Adams doesn’t fit the progressives’ archetype of a founding father.  We’ve all heard their snide comments that they were all rich, white, deist slave owners.  Samuel Adams, though white, was not rich and did not own slaves.  As a matter of fact, he refused to accept one as a present.  His poverty was legendary, second only to his Christian faith.  And therein lays the rub:  his Christian faith.

It is essential for Progressives to mitigate and at times demonize the role religion played in our founding, and especially those who professed God’s guiding hand.  They were successful in relegating Samuel Adams to the dustbin of history.  Now they are doing the same to the Protestant work ethic.  Here is a quote from Samuel Adams – A Life – by Ira Stoll:

Yet it was firm enough to inspire Adams to engage and endure in the revolutionary cause, confident in his belief that God would protect Americans so long as they were virtuous, just as God had stood by the Israelites in their exodus from slavery so long as they were virtuous.  To dismiss Adams as the “last of the Puritans” would be to suggest that after him Americans ceased believing they were a God-given mission to advance freedom.  It would be a misinterpretation.

Yet, that is what Progressives would have us believe.  Their god is the federal government.  Freedom is the privilege to suck on the taxpayer teat.  The Protestant work ethic is to be mocked.  And so, the Progressives’ long march continues on; on to victory and on to a modern day bureaucratic slavery. 

But there is a resistance.  The Tea Party is the movement.  And we’ll remind our subjugators that no matter what they say or do, Samuel Adams was here.

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