Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sen. Ted Cruz Outs Democrats' Vichy-Style Collaborators

Transparency in government, that’s what all politicians, politicos, and Democratic Party leg humpers, a.k.a. mainstream media, profess to want.  But do they?  Senator Ted Cruz outed these hypocrites.   The Tea Party favorite forced his party’s leadership to put up or shut up on raising the debt ceiling.  It was a lonely, humiliating walk.  A walk that proved the Republican establishment is a bunch of enablers; collaborators in a Vichy-style mode.

Of course, the consultant class was upset.  Here is one ranting about the futility of it all:

Chip Saltsman, a Republican strategist who managed Huckabee’s 2008 presidential campaign, predicted Cruz would have a difficult challenge trying to explain his procedural moves in the Senate to voters in Iowa and New Hampshire.
 “At the end of the day Ted Cruz made McConnell have a 60-vote limit and the debt ceiling still passed. It’s not like he stopped the debt limit from being passed,” he said.

It’s not that difficult Chipster.  He simply outed the RINO’s.  He exposed the two-faced, lying backstabbers for what they are.  Now go back to your job, managing the next loser that your ilk is famously renowned for.

What’s even worse than having republican strategist castigate tea partiers for wanting vote transparency, we also have Democratic Party activist giving us tips on how to win future elections.  Here is the renowned Obama leg humper, Dana Milbank of the Washington Post lamenting the fate of RINO’s:

Watching the chaos from the side of the chamber was the man who caused it: Cruz, his hands in his pants pockets and a satisfied grin on his face. The Texas Republican strolled to the clerk’s table to check on the vote count and was met with a look of disgust from Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.). And the feeling was widespread: Moments after Cruz walked into the Republican cloakroom, four senators emerged from it and changed their votes to “aye.”
 Cruz reemerged from the cloakroom, chewing gum, his hands again in his pockets. He smirked as his colleagues finally overcame his filibuster after a ­59-minute struggle.
Cruz’s ego trip had come at a high cost. He had forced McConnell, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas and other Republicans to cast votes that could cause them to lose primaries to weaker general-election candidates, and he had risked getting his party blamed for a default.

First of all, the federal government wouldn’t default on its debt.  There is plenty of money coming into that Washington D.C. cesspool.  Not extending the debt ceiling would have forced the federal government to prioritize its spending.  They would actually have to address wasteful spending.  Extending the debt ceiling only enables the irresponsible whom believe Christmas is 365 days a year.

Second of all, why are people like Dana Milbank so worried about republican primaries?  Why are he and his ilk so concerned about RINO electoral success? It’s quite simple.  They need Vichy-style collaborators to help perfume and mask the stench of Democratic failed policies, crony capitalism, and outright corruption.  They need the Republican establishment to whip us in line and put us in our place.

In the meantime, conservatives in Iowa and New Hampshire are preparing a hero’s welcome for Senator Ted Cruz.  Go figure.

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