Saturday, June 21, 2014

Rep. Paul Ryan Calls Out IRS Commissioner

Rep. Paul Ryan laid into one of the most arrogant bureaucrats in Washington D.C.  IRS Commissioner John Koskinen denied any wrong doing.  He even refused to apology to the American people for not being forthright and destroying evidence.  Who can we thank for unleashing this hell hound agency on unsuspecting, innocent citizens?

 The Internal Revenue Service spawned from the Progressive era.  I’m sure liberals didn’t foresee one of their hallmark achievements, the 16th Amendment, as a catalyst for oppression and governmental abuse.  After all, we’re told, we must judge progressives on their intentions and not the results of their actions, all of which are proven failures.

Human Events reports the fundamental transformation of the IRS as a tax collecting service to a thug agency implicitly taking orders from a Chicago mobster:

Over the past hundred years, the tax code has swelled from 400 pages to almost 74,000.  The top rate is 39.6 percent; add in state and local taxes, and you’ve got the government soaking up over half of every marginal dollar earned by the Evil Rich.  And the top bracket crashes down on those who earn over $450k, which is the new functional definition of a “millionaire.”  Every new tax – from the income tax itself, to the Alternative Minimum Tax and its prospective stepchild, the “Buffett Rule” – is sold as a small levy on the vast wealth of millionaires.  The AMT was only supposed to affect a couple of hundred people when it was implemented in 1969, but now it’s on the verge of grabbing 50 million taxpayers, if it’s not “fixed.”  In the early years of the income tax, Americans were likewise assured that it would only slip a few dollars from the bulging wallets of the wealthy.

Allowing the government to sink its feeding tubes into the veins of American income has fueled astonishing government growth.  That first itty bitty tax levy brought in a paltry $16.6 billion in revenue, adjusted for the past century of inflation.  Today the income tax brings in $2.7 trillion.  Government inevitably grows to fill, and exceed, the space made available for it.

And when government grows, freedom diminishes.  You can practically feel liberty being squeezed from every fiber of our being.

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