Saturday, June 21, 2014

Time to Impeachment Americas Terrorist: U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder

Republican members of Congress are becoming exasperated with the outright lawlessness in Washington D.C.  Government bureaucrats have a green light to violate our civil rights, and no one can do a damn thing about it.  This is what happens when we have an imperial president.

One congressman is demanding impeachment proceedings for U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.  TPNN reported the exasperation of one congressman:

“Because if we don’t have the civil application of the law, what are we doing here?” Gosar asked rhetorically, referring to Holder’s laundry list of lawless acts. 

Congressman Gosar is one of 27 congressmen who have already signed Articles of Impeachment against Holder. 

“I give you, an unelected bureaucrat who is violating the Constitution, and that is Eric Holder,” Gosar told Tim while stating that both parties are guilty of building a government bureaucracy that “answers to no one.” 

Gosar said that impeaching is not the end game, but that Congress must also take responsibility for holding accountable bureaucrats, like the Obama IRS’s Lois Lerner, who are “violating the Constitution and getting away with it.”

At least republicans are awakening to this bureaucratic monstrosity they helped to create.  Now what are we going to do about it?

Photo H/T:  NC Renegade

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