Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Greenies Too Extreme for Venezuelan Regime

Venezuela has long been a favorite destination for libtards.  Hollywood actors basked in the glow of authoritarians like Hugo Chavez and his successor.  There is nothing like the smell of a dictator that sets a moon bat aflutter.

Recently, a group of greenies held a conference in that socialist paradise.  A declaration was created to rid the world of capitalism, which the host country whole heartedly agreed with.

A UN-backed conference in Venezuela has ended with a declaration to scrap carbon markets and reject the green economy.
The Margarita Declaration was issued at the end of a four-day meeting of around 130 green activist groups, which the Venezuelan government hosted in order to raise the volume of civil society demands in UN discussions on climate change.
“The structural causes of climate change are linked to the current capitalist hegemonic system,” the final declaration said. “To combat climate change it is necessary to change the system.”
The declaration will be handed to environment ministers when they meet ahead of the UN’s main round of talks in Lima this year.
The meeting, called the Social Pre-COP, is the first time that civil society has been invited to participate with the UN at this scale at international climate talks.

A little problem happened on the road to utopia.  The greenies turned on their fellow travelers.  It seems these activists are too extreme for the Venezuelan government.

Maria de Pilar García-Guadilla, a professor at the Simon Bolivar University in Venezuela, said that there was an underlying assumption in the declaration that capitalism was the cause of climate change – a position maintained by the Venezuelan government in its own development plan – but that this was a “fallacy”.
“Venezuela relies heavily on the use of hydrocarbons, or the extractive economies, to support their anti-neoliberal socialist policies. The extractive economy has a severe negative social and environmental impacts in the indigenous communities and in the most biodiverse areas,” she said.

You just can’t ask a totalitarian government to give up its one source of revenue.  How are they going to feed, clothe and house all those teat squawkers?  Utopia isn’t as easy as these greenies think.


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