Monday, July 28, 2014

Liberals Lose Minds Over Obamacare Ruling

When the D.C. Appellate Court ruled federal subsidies only applied to state-run exchanges, libtards throughout the country lost their minds.  Imagine this government actually having to follow a law.  One that Democrats fought tooth and nail for, and by hook and crook, shoved down our throats.  How dare these judges interpret the law as written!  Who does that these days?  Here is a tweet from Mother Jones:

The New Republic published this chart to emphasize the price increases without taxpayer subsidies.  Their intent was to demonstrate what life will be like without a government teat.  I, on the other hand, believe it demonstrates the incompetence of the federal government.  This is what happens when a government entity over regulates and mandates unnecessary coverage.  Insurance no longer becomes affordable.

A friend of mine informed me next year, his employer based health insurance plan, which covers a family of four, will cost more than his monthly mortgage.  And he works for a hospital!  Affordable Care Act my ass.


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