Monday, July 21, 2014

Rev. Barber Calls for a New Era of Occupation

Rev. William Barber took his teat squawker road show to Detroit.  If there was ever a city that demonstrates the moral bankruptcy of progressive policies, it’s the Motor City.  I wonder if he took a tour of that poor, infected hellhole.  Chances are he stepped out of the airport into his limousine and drove straight to a luxury hotel.

The reverend is engaging in a new form of disinformation and mal-education.  He calls it “Moral Fusion.”  Apparently, it is a combination of bastardized history with a call for socialism.  They want a new Era of Reconstruction where the federal government occupies recalcitrant states, much like what happened to the South after the War of Northern Aggression. 

Today’s progressives have the same mentality as the Union occupiers.  They want to disenfranchise those who disagree with them and redistribute what little wealth they have, all the while belittling anyone who has a job and is trying to provide for his/her family.     

If you listen to the reverends harangue, you’ll notice in the beginning of his speech he quoted North Carolina’s constitution where it states that one has the right to enjoy the fruits of his own labor.  Yet, the reverend and his acolytes declare a birth right to others sweat, labor and property.  Such is the “morality” of progressives.

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