Friday, July 11, 2014

Senator Chuck Schumer Declares Christians Shouldn't Own Businesses

A couple of years ago, I flippantly wrote, Democrats would eventually declare Christians shouldn’t own a business.  Your enterprise and your conscience isn’t your own once you enter the public sphere.  How be damned if they didn’t do it.  Senator Chuck Schumer stated the following:

“You’re born with a religion or you adopt a religion. You have to obey the precepts of that religion and the government gives you a wide penumbra – you don’t have to form a corporation,” Schumer said.

He further stated:

“When we wrote RFRA back in 1993 we did so to protect individuals with strong religious beliefs and give them the presumption they have always enjoyed. That they should be able to exercise their religious beliefs without interference from the government”, Schumer said.
“The court took that and applied it – misapplied it – to for-profit companies who exist for the purpose of benefitting from the open market, working in the marketplace under our laws.”
“We wouldn’t tell the owners of Hobby Lobby to convert to a different religion or disobey their religion  - but we don’t say that they have to open up a company and go sell toys or hobby kits.”

What business is not for profit?  Even so-called non-profits can’t operate without a profit.  WTF?  Besides that, who in the hell does Chuck Schumer think he is, our lord and master?  Don’t look now; Massa Schumer is coming down from the D.C. big house.  You Christians had better straighten up, or Massa Super Genius will tar your hide. 


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