Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Magnanimous and Altruistic Sen. Chuck E. Schumer

When I think of a politician who stands up for the average citizen, I think of Senator Chuck E. Schumer.  Why, I can think of no other person who has demonstrated more concern for the disenfranchised than our champion from the state of New York.

The Tea Party can attest to the character of Sen. Chuck E. Schumer.  His outreach program will last through the ages.  Future historians will marvel at how he and his fellow democrats encouraged the IRS to keep an eye and a boot on this small group of concerned citizens.  Mr. Super Genius redefined a government handout.

Moss doesn’t gather on a rolling stone.  Our champion of the people has another mission.  He wants to save America by abolishing partisan primaries.  Wow!  What a guy.  First he gives free tips to his political opponents on how to win elections by granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.  Now he is willing to stick his own neck out, and that of his party, by ridding ourselves of petty partisanship.  How altruistic!  Are we sure, Sen. Chuck E. Schumer isn’t the second coming?  Has anyone seen him walk on water, or turn it into wine?

 Schumer the Magnanimous wants an open primary system.  Here is his scheme:

We need a national movement to adopt the “top-two” primary (also known as an open primary), in which all voters, regardless of party registration, can vote and the top two vote-getters, regardless of party, then enter a runoff. This would prevent a hard-right or hard-left candidate from gaining office with the support of just a sliver of the voters of the vastly diminished primary electorate; to finish in the top two, candidates from either party would have to reach out to the broad middle.

California, which probably mirrors the diversity of America more than any other state, was racked by polarization until voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2010 that adopted a “top-two” primary system. The move has had a moderating influence on both parties and a salutary effect on the political system and its ability to govern. Louisiana has used a similar system since the 1970s, and Washington State since 2008. Voters in Colorado and Oregon will consider proposals later this year.

California mirrors America?  That is an insult!  Notice the states he cites.  They are all liberal hellholes, except for Louisiana.  And that is a hellhole of a different sort.  As of now, California and Colorado have secession movements because the libtards have taken over.  And that is exactly what Sen. Chuck E. Schumer, Super Genius wants.

The extremist isn’t the Tea Party.  The extremist are people like Senator Schumer who want to “govern” us out of our liberties and American birth right.


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