Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Democrats Scheme to Silence Political Opponents

How petty and corrupt are Democrats?  If they don’t like what you have to say, they’ll use the full force of the federal government to shut you up.  They’ve already used the IRS on the Tea Party; however, they need something a little more powerful to take on established organization and people who have resources to defend themselves.  Democrats need to change the First Amendment.  The Daily Caller reported the following:

The proposed amendment, sponsored by Democratic Sen. Tom Udall, would give Congress broad power to shape campaign finance laws. It would effectively overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. FEC and 2014 ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC, which struck down laws restricting when corporations and unions can spend money on elections, and how much individuals can donate to candidates in a two-year period.

This is “the most important issue to Americans in years,” added Sen. Bernie Sanders. “If people think this is some kind of esoteric issue, not related to jobs, the economy, and wages, and women’s rights, and income and wealth inequality, and healthcare and global warming, you are deadly wrong.”

“Why do people like the Koch brother’s spend hundreds of millions of dollars?” he continued. “If you understand what they stand for, and that is to end, do away with social security, do away with medicare, do away with medicaid do away with the concept of the minimum wage, do away with the environmental protection agency — that is the struggle. They have an agenda.”

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse also pointed to the Koch Brothers as a reason for amending the Constitution, and accused them of coercing Republicans into giving up on climate change legislation. Before Citizens United, the Republicans had a candidate for president willing to have a climate change plan, he said, and brought a carbon regulations bill to the Senate floor. But now “the Koch brothers, the biggest polluters in this country have gotten together, and they’ve silenced them.”

Silenced them?  More like exposed them.  I’ve got a solution if people really want to get money out of politics and especially out of Washington D.C.  We should repeal the 17th Amendment and let States’ legislators decide who represents their interest, as was intended by our founding fathers.  The progressive experiment has proven to be a failure; it’s time to right this ship before Democrats turn this country into a totalitarian hell hole.  

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