Sunday, September 14, 2014

Doh! Senator Kay Hagan Backs "Moderate" Syrian Rebels

Senator Kay Hagan backs the president’s plan on confronting ISIS.  She especially likes arming and funding “moderate” Syrian rebels.  Here is her statement:

"ISIS presents a severe threat to our national security, and their murder of two American journalists is an attack on America and our values. We must respond, and we will respond, by taking immediate, sustained, and decisive action to destroy ISIS.

The President and our military leadership have now developed a plan to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels and defeat ISIS with a sustained campaign of airstrikes. As long ago as the spring of last year, I pressed the Administration to arm and empower moderate Syrian rebels and I am glad that effort will be accelerated.

Because ISIS poses a threat to many countries around the world, and especially those in the Middle East, I believe that this effort must be carried out in conjunction with our allies and other Arab states. America has urgent priorities at home as well as abroad, and the cost cannot be borne by the United States alone.

Finally, I am proud to represent the most military friendly state in the nation. At times like these, our men and women in uniform deserve our full and unwavering support, and the American people should expect better than the same political games and partisan point-scoring that too often dominate Washington debates. This is the time for us to come together, Democrats and Republicans, to confront the challenges that are facing our nation. I will continue working with my colleagues in Congress to provide the support that our military requires and deserves."

I wonder what her thoughts are on these “moderate” Syrian rebels forging a non-aggression pact with ISIS.  As usual, Senator Kay Hagan’s instincts are wrong again.

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