Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tillis Burst Senator Kay Hagan's Moderate Record Myth

As sure as the sun don’t shine, Mother Nature decided to schleprock my area just in time for the senatorial debate between Kay Hagan and Thom Tillis.  Throughout the day, I kept reminding myself the first of three debates was tonight.  And of course, wowsie wowsie woo woo.

It wasn’t until twenty minutes into the debate, my satellite receiver sputtered to life.  And guess who was hosting?  Norah O’Donnell, a libtard in journalist clothing.  And guess what the subject was?  That’s right, birth control.  The mean republican was being accused of denying women access to health care.  What a load of crap.

This should be an insult to women.  You can walk to your local pharmacy and buy contraceptives over the counter.  It’s so easy a man can do it.  And it’s cheap!  Why republicans don’t drive this home is beyond me, even though Tillis danced around this point at the end.

Senator Kay Hagan then went on to advocate a minimum wage hike.  Again, Tillis missed another opportunity to smack this issue down once and for all.  I ask, what happens to skilled workers who’ve put their time, energy, and money into learning a trade?  Will they get a pay raise commiserate with the minimum wage?  Of course not!  A raise in the minimum wage is a pay cut for skilled workers.  It’s a slap in the face to the middle class.  Why can’t anyone articulate this?

Overall, from what I was able to watch, Thom Tillis put Kay Hagan on the defensive.  He burst the myth of her moderate voting record, while exposing her for the Potomac creature she turned out to be.  Truth be told, we need to repeal the 17th Amendment.  We need people representing North Carolina and not Washington D.C. 

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