Saturday, October 18, 2014

Should Red States Form a NATO-esque Alliance?

A government of the people, by the people and for the people.  That is a lofty sentiment.  Abraham Lincoln was a rhetorical genius.  He wrote of a higher ideal of government, while at the same time, invading his neighbors, shutting down newspapers, jailing and exiling dissenters, not to mention engaging in crony capitalism.  The Great Emancipator indeed.

The War of Northern Aggression was the beginning of the end of federalism.  Before this calamity, states were considered ones country.  Politicians before that era would resign from their D.C. elected office to become senators and representatives in their state’s legislature.  Now, it’s the other way around.  Washington D.C. has become the epicenter of American life.  No one can escape that cesspools legion of laws, rules, regulations, onerous taxes and penalties.

The Anti-Federalists were prophetic.  They warned us that this central government with its three branches would conspire to consolidate power at the expense of states and the liberty of its citizens.  They could not have been more right.  These founding fathers tried to protect us by demanding a Bill of Rights.  Those rights were designed as a firewall.  But, like everything else, the totalitarians have bastardized it.

These masters of American citizens depend upon our faith and fidelity to their laws, rules, regulations, onerous taxes and penalties.  Without our compliance they are nothing, hence, the diminishment of self-government and determination.

How can we fight back?  We could call for an Article V constitutional convention specifically designed to enforce our founding principles.  That means abolishing the 1946 Administrative Procedures Act, 17th Amendment, 16th Amendment, and more importantly the cudgel of activist federal judges: the 14th Amendment.

Another way to fight back is to call for a NATO-esque alliance between red states.  An attack on one is attack on all.  States’ must reject their vassalage mentality.  It was the states that created this federal government, not the other way around.  This is the United States of America, not the Federal Government of America.

Sooner or later, something has to be done.  A house divided against itself cannot stand.  Either we are free, or totalitarian.  It will become all one thing, or all the other.

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