Tuesday, November 25, 2014

EPA Grinch Steals Prosperity

The EPA wishes all Americans a crappy Thanksgiving, a loathsome Christmas, and an impoverished New Year.  While everyone is stuffing their faces and making merry with friends and family, the Greenie Grinch is busy raiding our wallets and future prosperity by pushing an avalanche of regulations onto Whoville.  The Daily Caller reported the following:

“It’s become an unfortunate tradition of this administration and others to drop these regulatory agendas late on a Friday and right before a holiday,” Matt Shudtz, executive director of the Center for Progressive Reform, told The Hill newspaper.

The White House’s regulatory agenda for spring 2014 was released on the eve of the Memorial Day weekend, when millions of people set out on weekend getaways or family vacations.

“It’s unfortunate because it’s an update on protections for Americans of all stripes,” Shudtz told the Hill. “It lays out the administration’s plan and it deserves more attention.”

But the White House may have a good reason to do so because its Unified Agenda for fall 2014 includes some 3,415 regulations– more than the last regulatory agenda, and one that includes 189 rules that cost more than $100 million.

This is fast becoming a holiday tradition Americans can’t afford.


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