Sunday, November 23, 2014

EPA's Undeclared War on Middle-Class

The Obama administrations war on the American middle-class is about to run into another phase.  Last week, the imperial president took it upon himself to grant legal status to over 5 million illegal aliens without congressional authorization.  These invaders take jobs away from citizens and legal residents, and use up vital resources.

Now we are finding out the EPA has passed regulations that will increase our cost of living by almost 40%.  The Daily Caller reported the following:

A report by Energy Ventures Analysis found that the EPA underestimates how much its power plant regulatory regime will raise electricity and natural gas prices by imposing new regulations on power plants, most recently being the agency’s rules to cut carbon dioxide emissions from new and existing power plants.

These new rules to tackle global warming, combined with other rules to reduce more traditional air pollutants, will dramatically increase Americans’ utility bills by 2020, according to EVA’s report which was sponsored by the coal company Peabody Energy.

“Annual power and gas costs for residential, commercial and industrial customers in America would be $284 billion higher ($173 billion in real terms) in 2020 compared to 2012—a 60% (37%) increase,” the EVA report found.

I don’t recall a declaration of war on the American people being issued.  I guess King Obama doesn’t need one of those either.

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