Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson Looters Destroy Community

It was a scumbag Christmas in Ferguson, MO.  Rioters couldn’t wait for black Friday to do their holiday shopping.  They just needed a pretense to loot.  All I have to say is thank God illegal aliens won’t do the jobs some black people are willing to do.

I don’t understand why anyone would want to destroy their own community for any reason whatsoever.  There is no excuse for it.   Hell, there was a woman raiding a liquor store with her child.  There is something seriously wrong within the black community.

These looters didn’t care if businesses were sympathetic to their cause.  They didn’t care if business owners were black.  They just went on a mindless rampage.  Here is a black woman who lost everything, and for what?

Liberals claim inner cities are food deserts.  Well, Ferguson has become an urban desert.  Why anyone would want to open a business in that hellhole is beyond me.  As far as I’m concerned, members of that community can take a long bus ride to do their shopping from now on.


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