Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Just Who is Gruber the Grafter Calling Stupid?

Can the mainstream media get anything right?  They’ve been wrong on so many levels it has become a threat to our republic.  Case in point is Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post.  He recently wrote an article trying to figure out why conservatives have gone cat nip crazy over Gruber the Grafter, the Obamacare architect and mind poisoner at MIT.   This beltway courtesan thinks we are personally insulted by Gruber’s ‘stupid’ remarks.  Here is an excerpt:

The key to understanding why Gruber has become a cause celebre -- but not in a good way -- for conservatives is that his comments about the ACA confirm two things that the right has long believed about Democrats and the law: (a) The ACA was made purposely vague to keep the public in the dark about its depth and breadth, and (b) liberals think conservatives are stupid.

And this:

The second point is slightly more subtle but, I think, even more responsible for why Gruber and his comments have conservatives seeing red. Nothing makes conservatives more angry than the belief, which they think is widespread among liberals, that they are stupid. That if only conservatives read as much as the left or had the intellectual capacity of the left, they would see things the way the left sees them

First of all, the ACA was shoved down our throats.  That is indisputable.  However, to assume that conservatives are mad as hell about Gruber calling us stupid has missed the mark.  I’ve got news for you Mr. Cillizza.  Gruber wasn’t calling conservatives stupid.  We’ve been warning the American people about the ACA from the very beginning.  We knew democrats were/are a bunch of liars, thieves, and hypocrites for ages.  No.  Gruber was calling you and anyone who votes for democrats stupid.  And he is right.

Gruber let the cat out of the bag by telling his fellow elites that you and your fellow libtards couldn’t handle the truth.  We conservatives suspected what was happening and we didn’t fall for it.  You and your ilk are the ones Gruber called ‘stupid.’

There isn’t one conservative I know who concedes intellectual superiority to the left.  Actually, it’s just the opposite.  And we don’t have to hide behind closed doors to smirk about your stupidity.  We’ll do it to your face.  To say conservatives are insecure about their intellect says more about the wishful thinking by liberals whose beliefs and policies have been proven wrong time after time.  Obamacare and Jon Gruber is just a cherry on top.


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