Sunday, November 23, 2014

Maryland Coerces Churches into Preaching Global Warming Gospel

One of many complaints our founding fathers had with England was paying taxes to support the Anglican Church.  Many colonists found it a burden to support their local ministry and a state sanctioned religion.   That is what the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment was really meant to prevent before it became bastardized by progressives.

Maryland may not have an official green energy religion, but they have exacted a tax on those who don’t preach their gospel.  It could be one of many factors why a deep blue state elected a republican governor.

Now Prince George’s Country is offering a way for churches to avoid paying the tax, which is estimated to be an average of $744 per year for them — preach “green” to their parishioners.

So far 30 pastors have agreed to begin “‘green’ ministries to maintain the improvements at their churches, and to preach environmentally focused sermons to educate their congregations” to avoid being hit with the tax, The Washington Post reports.

Prince George’s County’s Department of Environment director Adam Ortiz told WBAL Radio churches “don’t have to preach, per se,” that they could avoid the tax if they “provide educational programs to teach them (parishioners) about how to be more sustainable. And to help them engage in grant programs and other way that they can control the runoff from their property.”

Man-made global warming is a religion to progressives.  This tax is a means to compel churches into preaching their gospel.

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