Sunday, December 28, 2014

Obama Admin Funds Executive Orders Through Fees and Penalties

How can the U.S. Congress make itself irrelevant?  Let’s count the ways.   The Constitution specifically dictates legislative powers are exclusively granted to this branch of government.  Yet, Congress creates agencies and confers upon them regulatory powers that have the force of law, therein bypassing the legislative process.  This was deliberately done with passage of the Administrative Procedures Act of 1946.

Under Article One, Section Seven all bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.  This was done to ensure our representatives, and by extension the citizens of this country, had control over policies by using the power of the purse.  Yet, Congress conferred upon these federal agencies the ability to create, implement and collect fees and penalties, in effect, funding itself without having to go to Congress with hat in hand.

The Obama administration has mastered exploiting federal agencies in pursuit of its radical agenda.  The president’s immigration policies do not have Congresses approval, which by the way, is dictated under Article One, Section Eight.  These totalitarians openly brag that they don’t need funding from Congress.  They will get all the money they need from collecting fees from illegal aliens.  The Washington Examiner reported the following:

The Obama administration is spending nearly $50 million to hire and house 1,000 new federal workers to process immigration cases after President Obama announced that he would unilaterally protect up to 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation.

The Citizenship and Immigration Services agency will devote $40 million to annual salaries and almost $8 million a year to the lease of a new building just outside Washington, in which employees will review the claims of illegal immigrants who apply for newly protected status, according to the New York Times.

In recent weeks, critics have warned that Obama’s executive action would further increase the federal bureaucracy, leaving taxpayers on the hook for the expansion of immigration services

“They are in the process of hiring 1,000 full-time staff to quickly approve applications for the president’s illegal amnesty, which will provide work permits, photo IDs, Social Security and Medicare to illegal immigrants — all benefits rejected by Congress,” Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said earlier this month. “This action will mean that American workers, their sons, their daughters, their parents, will now have to compete directly for jobs, wages, and benefits with millions of illegal immigrants.”

The Obama administration counters that the fees recouped through the president’s executive action eventually will cover the cost of the new federal workers

Congress needs to take power away from these federal agencies.  They can start by passing a law mandating all fees and penalties are to go into the general fund.  This will help ensure these government entities do not abuse their powers by imposing punitive fees upon a hapless citizenry as a means for funding, and will give power of the purse back to Congress where it belongs.


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