Monday, December 29, 2014

Senator Lindsey Graham Begs at Ugly Dog Party

When I look upon that cesspool known as Washington D.C., it reminds me of middle school.  You have the popular kids, who get all the attention, and then you have others who want to be in that clique.  The best vehicle for those forlorn nerds to gain attention is to have their faces plastered all over the school newspaper. 

Establishment republicans have that “I wannabe popular” complex.  They want acceptance from the Washington D.C. socialites so bad, they’ll sell out their constituents in a heartbeat just to be invited to the ugly dog party.

Senator Lindsey Graham is one of those ugly dogs.  He slavishly courts the D.C. clique by selling their talking points.  One of those is threatening conservatives with the usual, “we will lose the presidency” if we don’t pander to millions of illegal aliens who’ve violated our laws and sovereignty.

"If we don't at least make a down payment on solving the problem and rationally dealing with the 11 million [people in the country illegally], if we become the party of self-deportation in 2015 and 2016, then the chance of winning the White House I think is almost nonexistent," Graham said on CNN's "State of the Union" in an interview posted Sunday.

Graham also called for a measure to help the "Dreamers," who are people brought to the U.S. illegally as children. President Obama took executive action in 2012 to grant such people legal status, and then expanded his actions after the midterm elections to include more people.

"If the Republican Party cannot muster the political courage to deal with the Dream Act children in a fair and balanced way after we secure our border, that says a lot about the Republican Party's future regarding the Hispanic community," Graham said. "I don't believe most Americans would fault the Republican Party if we allowed children who have been here since they're babies to assimilate into society with a pathway to citizenship after we secure our borders."

Senator Lindsey Graham has no regard for American citizenship, his constituents, or the state of South Carolina.  He has demonstrated time after time that he will sell them out just for a chance to be invited to the ugly dog party.

What really takes political courage and fortitude is to take on the D.C. establishment like a Senator Ted Cruz.  Instead, Senator Lindsey Graham rehashes a redux of Simpson-Mazzoli, a proven policy failure. 

Don’t lecture us on political courage, Senator Lindsey Graham.  Go back to your D.C. doghouse and chew on the scraps your masters have thrown near your dish.


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