Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Obamafuscation Factor

The Obama administration’s “hapless fool” policies are, once again, praised in the media.  If you want a lesson in sycophancy just watch the talking heads effervesce over the genius of our president and his troop of bureaucratic monkeys.  There should be a new term for this kind of political spin.  How about the Obamafuscation factor?

Recently, the mainstream media had an orgasm over a reported 5% GDP growth in the third quarter.  Great isn’t it?  Not quite.  What they didn’t tell us is where Americans were spending their money.  Guess where all that hard earned cash went to.  That’s right healthcare.  Zero Hedge published the following graph:

Not only were libtard, talking heads praising this misleading report, they also attributed lower gas prices and the collapse of the ruble to our feckless leader’s energy policies.  Anyone worth their salt knows the Obama administration has an axe to grind when it comes to conventional energy.  The EPA has practically declared a war on the oil, gas and coal industry.  We can attribute this oil boom to fracking on state and privately owned lands.  The federal government had nothing to do with it, yet, they and their minions claim all the credit. writes: 

President Barack Obama and his left-wing environmental allies have declared war on America's energy sector. That's not hyperbole, according to a Senate committee's minority report; it's a quote.

"Setting the Record Straight: Hydraulic Fracturing and America's Energy Revolution" the report Republican staffers on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works released, sounds as dry as kindling. But it makes for some scary Halloween reading.

The report harshly criticizes the Obama administration's duplicity with energy production and supply. While publicly extolling the benefits the United States has reaped from fracking, the administration has done all it can to undermine it and other techniques.

The war is conducted on two fronts. One involves limiting the land involved. Many green extremists want energy supplies kept in the ground and when it comes to federal land Obama's bureaucrats are doing what they can to help.

"The Obama Administration has granted only half the amount of leases compared to those granted under the Clinton Administration and a third less than those granted under the Bush Administration," the report says.

Citing government statistics, the report notes a 6% fall in oil production and a 28% fall in natural gas production on federal lands between 2009 and 2013.

The second front involves mobilizing the federal bureaucracy to gum up the works and trump state management. The regulatory overload makes it much harder to get a drilling permit and much more expensive to operate.

And finally, the coup de grace, King Obama declares he will, by executive order of course, normalize relations with Cuba.  This president has a bad habit of aiding our enemies, while at the same time, alienating our allies.  This should be a relief to Cuba’s benefactor, Venezuela.  That regime can no longer afford to subsidize its totalitarian compatriot.  But now, because of another misguided and hapless policy, the Obama gives these two regimes a reprieve.

At some point and time, we have to ask ourselves, whose side are these people on?  We can only thank God for American ingenuity and perseverance.  As long as we have that, this country can endure all the Obamafuscations this administration and their minions in the media throw at us.   

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